Let us tell you a story.
UWC Winnipeg members have taken part in a few literary projects over the years that shine a light on our club’s history as well as the extraordinary accomplishments of women in our province.

54 West Gate: Stories of Ralph Connor House
UWC members and Friends of The Ralph Connor House Dianne Jackman, Diane DeGraves, Irene Legg, Lorraine Cook, Muriel (Aboul-Atta) Rhind and Sylvia Marsh wrote this award-winning book as part of the home’s national heritage designation application, which was granted in 2008. Spanning the years 1860 to 2004, the book describes the home’s first inhabitants, Rev. Charles W. Gordon and his family, and follows its history as home to the University Women’s Club of Winnipeg and the formation of Friends of The Ralph Connor House.
This lavishly illustrated publication is perfect for history and architecture buffs and makes a lovely gift for couples who have wed or celebrated special occasions at the property.
The proceeds from this book go towards the preservation of Ralph Connor House. Available at the UWC office and the Winnipeg Public Library.
The First Women of 54 West Gate: Helen Gordon and her Six Daughters
The UWC Heritage House Conservation Committee Book Project team (Jan Christie, Agnes Collins, Lorraine Cook, Diane DeGraves, Irene Legg, and Dianne Shefford) created this compilation of stories depicting the fascinating lives of the Gordon family women.
Helen Gordon and her daughters Mary, Gretta, Lois, Ruth, Marjorie, and Alison were the first women to give life to the house at 54 West Gate, and their stories offer a unique look at life throughout Winnipeg’s early history and beyond.
Covering close to 150 years, the lives of these seven spirited Canadian women spanned historic milestones, including two world wars, catastrophic floods, depressions, the transition from horse and buggies to motor vehicles, and the moon landing.
Available at the UWC office or through McNally Robinson.
The Most Important Available Reserve of Manpower
Geraldine Morriss (editor)
In the House of Commons on March 24, 1942, Prime Minister Mackenzie King stressed what had become obvious: Canadian women “were the most important available reserve of manpower.” Published in 1996, a team of UWC members assembled this compilation as a fundraiser for the club’s Scholarship Trust Fund.
The book offers fascinating recollections by UWC members and friends who played a role in Canada’s war efforts during the First or Second World Wars. Available through Abebooks and the Winnipeg Public Library, and the UWCW office.
Extraordinary Ordinary Women: Manitoba Women and Their Stories
Colleen Armstrong (editor)
Published in 2000, this book is a collaboration between three Manitoba women’s clubs and the Canadian Federation of University Women. It celebrates the accomplishments of 42 unrecognized Manitoba women and their contributions to their communities. Available through the UWC office, Abebooks, Amazon, and the Manitoba Legislative Library.